Essential Oils 101

Essential Oils 101


                                   Introduction to Essential Oils


Welcome to the exciting and fulfilling world of an Essential Oils! Even if

you’ve never officially studied essential oils, you’ve already experienced the natural,

volatile and aromatic qualities of different plants. Think of the last time you peeled 

an orange, or walked through a rose garden. Do you remember the natural aromas 

that filled the air?

You could enjoy these distinct smells thanks to the essential oils present in the


And with over 3,000 different types of aromatic compounds, there’s no doubt that 

you’ve been engaging with essential oils for many years without even realizing it.

But essential oils are so much more than beautiful fragrances. They are necessary 

for the plant’s health, and they impart their healing properties to humans, too. In 

fact, they can be used for a variety of emotional and physical conditions.

There’s so much to learn in the field of essential oils, and this chapter beginas to  

lays a foundation that you can return to again and again as you embark on this

aromatic journey.

We’ll start with this jam-packed module, where you’ll discover the basic vocabulary,

history, various uses, and numerous benefits of essential oils.


Lesson 1 gives you the “big picture” on how essential oils can dramatically increase

wellness and promote healthy function throughout the entire human body. You’ll

discover important information about essential oils, including:

Origin – We know that essential oils didn’t just turn up in little bottles! Discover

how essential oils were developed over the course of thousands of years.

Benefits – Learn how essential oils relax, soothe and help the body to heal itself,

all due to the chemical biocompatibility that essential oils share with the human


Function – It’s great when something works, but it’s even better when you

understand how and why something works, right? Here, we’ll cover the different

applications of oils and how they affect the body’s systems.

Purity and Concentration – Essential oils are not simply fragrant oils. Discover

how essences are extracted from plants in order to obtain pure oils that are

therapeutic and promote healing.

A Brief History – What do the ancient Egyptians, Chinese, and Greeks all have

in common with you and me? Essential oils! Here you’ll learn how various

cultures utilized these powerful substances.

Modern Use – Finally, we discuss the advances made in the field of essential

oils after the 17th century. We’ll also look at influential writers, whose literature

continues to impact the study and application of essential oils today.

As you can see, we’ve got a lot to cover! So, keep reading to learn what essential oils

are, where they came from, and how they can support health and wellness.3


Lesson 1: What Are Essential Oils and

How Do They Work?

To use essential oils with precision and effectiveness, you need to know what they are,

what they’re made from, and how they can be used properly.

Essential oils are highly concentrated, plant-based extracts taken from a wide variety of

plant sources, such as flowers, trees, shrubs, grasses, fruits, and roots. These oils

support the health of the plant. In fact, they’re essential to the plant’s survival. For

example, they protect plants from predatory insects, viruses and bacteria. They also

help to provide oxygen and nutrition on a cellular level.

Essential oils, which provide various benefits to plants, also benefit the human body.

So, while you can extract essences from any given plant, essential oils are only those

oils that offer specific healing properties to the human body. And for this reason, they’ve

been used as an alternative medicine for various conditions, and to promote general

health and wellbeing throughout history.

How Essential Oils Benefit the Human Body

Plant cells and human cells have a lot in common. The essential oil, which benefits the

original plant source, also benefits the human body. So, even though the essential oil is

taken from the plant and works within the human body (instead of the plant), it still has

the same function.

Essential oils can transport valuable nutrients to the cells, increase oxygen intake, and

digest toxic waste in the blood. This is because the three primary elements – carbon,

hydrogen and oxygen – are common to both human beings and plants. This similarity

produces three, wonderful benefits:

Biocompatibility – There are many plant-based, healing methods. But since

essential oils share such similar chemistry with the human body, they’re one of

the most compatible remedies we can use. Essential oils are lipid-soluble and

this allows the plant’s living tissues to absorb them. Because human cells also

have a protein structure similar to plants, we can also absorb these lipid-soluble

essential oils, too.

Self-Healing Properties – Essential oils support self-healing activities by

facilitating normal function and increasing nutrient absorption, both in plants and

people. Certain oils contain antiviral, antibacterial, and antifungal properties

which help the body fight infection. Other oils support emotional and hormonal4

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Calming and Centering Benefits – Many essential oils are commonly used to

relax you and lower stress levels, to improve focus, and to support memory and

overall mental health and wellness.

Extraction and Potency

Do you know just how concentrated an essential oil is? In some cases, one drop of oil is

the result of one whole plant. This means that a very small amount of essential oil packs

quite a punch! Because of their highly concentrated nature, essential oils can be more

powerful than other medicinal plant modalities, like dry herbs.

How do we obtain these volatile and aromatic compounds from plants? Here are six of

the main ways to extract essential oils:

1. Cold pressing

2. Steam distillation

3. Resin tapping

4. Expression

5. Absolute oil extraction

6. Solvent extraction

How Do Essential Oils Work?

Essential oils offer therapeutic relief to the entire human body. We can introduce them,

and their healing properties, to the human body in these three ways:

Topically – Because essential oils are lipid-soluble, they can be applied topically

and absorbed through the skin’s fatty layers. Essential oils can create a rapid

effect throughout the body via topical application.

Internally – Oils can be ingested either alone, as part of mixture, or with water.

However, it’s generally more difficult for the body to absorb the healing properties

of essential oils within the digestive system.

Aromatically – Essential oils can stimulate the brain and nerve function when


Now that you’re familiar with the three ways that the body absorbs essential oils, let’s

look at how essential oils can influence the body:5


Increasing Oxygen Within the Body – Shortly after you apply or inhale

essential oils, your oxygen levels go up. When your cells have more oxygen, it’s

harder for parasites, fungal infections as well as bacterial and viral pathogens to

survive and spread.

Stimulating the Brain – Olfactory nerves pass the healing compounds of

essential oils on to the brain. Certain oils can influence the hypothalamus, as well

as the pituitary gland, both of which play a big role in hormone production.

Balancing the Nervous System – When you apply essential oils to the skin’s

surface, they rapidly penetrate the epidermal layer and come into contact with

countless nerve endings. This engagement helps to restore balance to the entire

nervous system.

As you can see, essential oils can promote healing and restoration throughout the

body rapidly and safely.


                                       Main Learning Points of Lesson 1:  

                              What Are Essential Oils and How Do They Work?

Lesson 1 explains the nature, use, and benefits of essential oils. Here are the key

points you should remember:

● Essential oils are the highly concentrated, pure, and therapeutic extracts from

specific plants and botanicals.

● Oils provide a number of healing, nutritive, and protective functions to the plants

from which they are extracted.

● Essential oils share chemistry with the human body – especially the three

fundamental components, carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. This makes them

compatible with human biochemistry.

● Essential oils are extremely potent and a little bit of oil goes a long way.

● Specific oils affect different systems in the body - nervous, endocrine, circulatory,

and more.

● Application can be topical, internal, or inhalation.

● Essential oils can help to increase oxygen levels in both the blood and cells.

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